FAQ About Raccoons

Where do Raccoons Live?

Raccoons typically live in the woodland areas where there is vegetation and a water source nearby. However, being highly adaptive animals, they can be found in cities and even marshes. They can found throughout North America, Central America, Mexico and alongside being introduced to Japan and Germany.

Where do Raccoons Sleep?

Adapting to urban cities, raccoons can be found nesting in many different ways. As common as living in the attic, a crawl space, in the sewers, abandon cars, garage, sheds, barns, chimneys. In addition to the woodland areas, you’ll likely to find them nesting in old dens dug by other animals, old logs, and hollow trees. Of course nesting close to a constant water source.

Do Raccoons Hibernate?

Raccoons do not hibernate. However, they do sleep longer during the cold season but do not hibernate. In any case, some parts of North America, the raccoons are active all season.

How to Keep Raccoons Away?

You can keep raccoons away by always doing prevention and upkeep of your property. It does not mean you will get rid of them. Otherwise, the best humane way is to trap and relocate.

How Long do Raccoons Live?

Raccoons only tend to live up to 2-3 years. In fact, most raccoons die from being hunted or end up being hit by a car. Meanwhile, they have been recorded to lived up to 20 years old in captivity.

Can I have a Raccoon as Pets?

Can raccoons be pets? No. Raccoons are wild animals and can be very destructive. You cannot domesticate a wild animal. No doubt, people, and raccoons have adapted to living together, but to own one as a pet, you must have time and commitment. As a result, some states are illegal to care to for a wild animal unless licensed.

Are Raccoons Nocturnal?

Raccoons do most of their sleeping in the daytime and forage food at night. It will allow them to hide from larger predators like foxes, coyotes, black bears, mountain lions, and alligators. In fact, raccoons do look for food and water in the daytime as result of not sleeping. On the other hand, all nursing female will do this.

Are Raccoons Dangerous?

Yes! Raccoons can be dangerous. Are you considering removing or trapping the raccoon yourself? THINK AGAIN! You could be putting you and your family in a dangerous situation. Raccoons are not safe to remove on your own or sending your family to handle the raccoon problems.

What do Raccoons Eat?

Like you and I, raccoons are omnivores. These animals’ teeth are designed to tear meats and grind plants. Raccoons can eat just about anything they can get their humans like hands on. In fact, raccoons are excellent climbers and are very smart. So, racing up a tall tree for fruits or catching fish with their bare paws is no task for these guys.

Raccoons also adapted to urban living areas very well. Theses animals will take almost any opportunity to get food. Possibly find a raccoon crawling through your pet doors or knocking over your trash cans.

Raccoons Diet Consist of:

  • Grubs & Worms
  • Pet food
  • Rodents & Squirrels
  • Birds & Bird eggs
  • Frogs & Snakes
  • Fish from your ponds
  • Scavenge dumpsters
  • Scavenge garbage cans
  • Chickens from your yard
  • Vegetables, fruits & nuts
  • Sometimes even road kill

Is Raccoon Feces Toxic?

Yes! Raccoon Roundworm can be found in the raccoon poop. If people and or pets become contacted with infected raccoon feces, they can contract raccoon roundworms through the eggs that pass through contact. Inhalation of the eggs or ingestion are ways of contracting this disease. When humans become infected with raccoon roundworm, it can lead to larval parasites which affect the central nervous system. In addition to roundworm, Giardia lamblia is a protozoan that causes diarrhea. That would also be caused by ingesting food or water that has been contaminated by raccoon feces.

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